Check for Bed Bugs NYC

call us today : 212-858-0665
NESDCA Accredited Bedbug Teams
Quick Facts

Some quick facts about our NESDCA certified canines:

Proven: The University of Florida has conducted extensive research revealing that NESDCA certified canines are up to 98% accurate.

Cutting-edge: The latest development in bed bug inspection, a properly trained and certified detection dog is recognized in court as a “scientific instrument” (U.S. 9th Circuit court of Appeals).

Trustworthy: Detection dogs have been used for centuries by military and law enforcement agencies and have a proven track record of successful detection.

Honesty: Dogs work to please and are motivated through affection and not by profits.

Efficient: Bed bug dogs provide accurate and fast results, lessen invasive searches and reduce remediation efforts.

Peace of mind: With a scientifically proven 98% success rate (University of Florida-Gainesville), you can rest easier if the dog doesn’t find bed bugs.